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My name is Pascal Wenz-Kim and I am a multilingual professional in higher education administration based in Tokyo. My mission is to help others grow and learn and contribute to creating a more caring and compassionate society.

I am currently working for the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Tokyo, where I support academic exchange between Germany and Japan. My main task is to support German students and researchers during their time here in Japan. In addition to providing advice, I organize networking events and professional development workshops. I am also responsible for hiring and supervising interns at the office. Furthermore, I monitor higher education and science policy in Japan.

Previously, I worked as a consultant for an international PR agency and in marketing and sales for a Japanese start-up.

I am originally from Germany but have extensive experience of working and studying abroad: Japan (7 years+), UK (3 years), US (2 years) and shorter stints in South Korea, Singapore and Israel. My working languages are German, English and Japanese, and I am now working on improving my Korean.

You can find me on LinkedIn.

I am a proud alumni of:

  • University of Cambridge, UK: Trinity College and Department of East Asian Studies
  • The MEXT scholarship program by the Japanese government
  • Princeton University, US: Department of Religion, Keller Centre, and Rockefeller College is my personal website. I also maintain another website called (currently under reconstruction) which provides resources for creating a more compassionate society.

My websites (including this one) are hosted on servers in Germany that are powered entirely by renewable energy.

gehostet mit Servern in Deutschland von

Work address

Pascal Wenz-Kim
DAAD Tokyo
7-5-56 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
107-0052 JAPAN
wenz [at] (please replace the [at] with @)
Tel: +81-(0)3-3582-5962

For non-work related enquiries or questions about this website, please see the contact page.