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My Gaming Year in Review 2021

Why look back on the games you played in the past year in the first place? Couldn’t you just use that time to play new ones or perhaps even do something productive? For me, there were two reasons why I decided to reflect on my gaming year at the end of 2021: the most obvious one was to remember the enjoyment I had. But the deeper reason was that with so many new games released all the time, it is easy to get excited and buy more than I can play. So, this exercise was meant to help me appreciate the games that I already have and deepen my enjoyment of them even more by engaging with them again.

There are, of course, different ways of looking back. I decided to create a chronological list of games and group them according to the season when I started playing them: from winter 2020/21 to late fall 2021. I excluded games that I did not enjoy or only tried demos of. The result looks like the following:

There were twelve games in 2021 that I engaged with beyond the first few hours – out of these, I finished eight. I played all of them on Nintendo Switch. Cover size roughly indicates relative time played.

One thing to note is that only four of these twelve games were actually released in 2021. Some have been around for years, but the pandemic and more time spent at home meant that I finally had a chance to try them out.

The games I enjoyed the most and why:

  1. Hades: always feels challenging, and the complex boon system makes every run feel fresh.
  2. Diablo II Resurrected: a trip back memory lane and still as motivating as twenty years ago. I was skeptical that this would be just “another remake” when the original game still held up, but to play this on console with improved graphics was more enjoyable than I expected.
  3. Steamworld Heist: I have a weakness for turn-based tactics games like these, and this one is well-executed and very playable on Switch.
  4. Ender Lilies – Quietus of the Knights: a challenging Metroidvania with a unique style.
  5. Fire Emblem Three Houses: interesting turn-based tactics gameplay and relationship building between the characters make up for some weaknesses in the story and presentation.

Games that I played the longest:

  1. Hades (about 70h)
  2. Dragon Quest XI Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition (about 60h)
  3. Fire Emblem Three Houses (about 50h)

Games that I didn’t finish and why:

  1. Dragon Quest XI Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition: while I enjoyed the first half a lot, the story drags on in the second half, and there are a few frustrating sequences (casino…). I might come back to it, but it feels like a heavy commitment.
  2. Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag: the performance and controls on Switch just didn’t feel right. I got seasick even on land… If it runs and feels better on other platforms, I might give it another chance.
  3. Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair; Monster Hunter Stories 2: these two are not bad games by any means, but something else came along that captured my attention. I might revisit and eventually finish both of them.

My personal disappointments of 2021:

While I enjoyed most games I played during 2021, there were two that disappointed me – again, both were not actually released in 2021. I am mentioning them here because my own experience differs from the very positive reception both received in the press.

Spiritfarer: this game was highly praised everywhere and I really wanted to like it, but I found the gameplay too boring to engage with it further.
Bastion: after Hades, I was interested to try out the developer’s other games, but the fighting just didn’t feel satisfying and the story didn’t keep me going.

Looking ahead

One game that I started at the end of 2021 and which is still, at the beginning of February 2022, keeping me occupied is Shin Megami Tensei V. Challenging turn-based combat and an atmospheric post-apocalyptic world make this one of the best games I have played in the past year.

game cover
Japanese edition of Shin Megami Tensei V

So, there you have it. This was my gaming year 2021. It was mainly characterized by some traditional and very lengthy JRPGs, all of which I played in Japanese, and top-down action games such as Hades and Diablo 2 Resurrected. I encourage you to also give it a try and look back at your year in gaming or whatever other entertainment you enjoy. It really helps to appreciate what you already have. I’d be interested to hear what your past year in gaming looked like!

External articles on the games mentioned:

I recommend you to check out the following reviews and articles on the games mentioned above if you are interested in learning more. I have chosen them based on how much they align with my own view.

  • Shin Megami Tensei V: “It was never in doubt that Atlus would give this release the attention it deserves, but the question has always been whether it would be good enough to get over the high bar set by its predecessors. Fortunately, any such concerns can be cast aside — Shin Megami Tensei V is the best entry in the series yet and stands as an impressive achievement for a beloved franchise.” Review by Mitch Vogel ( Nov 4, 2021)

More to be added soon.

(all cover art copyrighted by their respective owners)

Posted in games

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